Monday, June 15, 2009

iVote for iObama

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. "

-Barack Obama-

The day iPho
ne was ‘born’, who knew that the American would put their faith and elected the first
African-American to be the President of United States. He himself probably never have thought that this little communication gadget will help him to win the 2008 Presidential election, and changes the history of American forever.
iPhone became the political recruiting tool for Obama on 2nd of October 2008. The Obama election campaign team launched an application for the Apple Iphone intended to attract more voters and turning its supporters to active campaigners via the feature of iPhone (Information Policy, 2008). The ‘Obama 08 ‘[ iObama ] combines interactive networking tools with the latest updates and information regarding to the Obama election campaign.


The Audien
ce: When Obama election campaign team first launched and planned Obama’s election campaign, three types of audience were targeted. There were the young voters; the non-white as well as the women in America, and according to National Election Pool (Schiffers, 2008) shows that majority of his targeted audience had voted for him.

The Purpose: As cited by Bear (2006), every thing has its own function whether it is to sell, to inform, to educate, to impress and to entertain.

Obama uses Iphone:

  • To ‘SELL’ and promote himself as the potential leader for the citizen of United State.
  • To ‘INFORM’ and update his supporters on his movement with the iObama features such as ‘call stat’ , ‘local event’ and ‘News’
  • To ‘EDUCATE’ the Americans that it is time for a change.
  • To ‘IMPRESS’ and ‘ENTERTAIN’ the supporters via Iphone features- downloadable wallpaper, video and photo from the campaign.

For all the iObama features, visit < >

The Context: According to Paltridge (2000), context of situation are the combination of field, tenor and mode. Obama uses informal conversation throughout the whole iObama campaign as to strengthen the relationship with his voters. The subject matter (field) here is the 2008 Presidential election campaign, the affiliation between the encoder and the decoder (tenor) for iObama is between Barack Obama and his potential voters. The channel of communication (mode) uses by Obama is inspiring speeches that can motivate the people of U.S.
Thus, the marriage between Obama and Iphone has successfully made him the President of United States and won over majority of the votes.

  1. Bear,JH 2006, Your Guide to Desktop Publishing, online, retrieved 15th June 2009. From < >
  2. Information Policy: Obama Becomes Second Politician to Use iPhone 'App' 2008, online, retrieved 15th June 2009, from < >
  3. Paltridge,B 2000, ‘Genre Analysis’, Making Sense of Discourse Analysis, Antipodean Educational Enterprise, Gold Coast
  4. Schiffers,S 2008, Who Voted for Obama, online, retrieved on 15th June 2009, from < >

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